Support Us

Show your support by donating to The Village of Five Points Community Enhancement Foundation

-Donations are tax deductible

- AmazonSmile - choose The VOFP Community Enhancement Foundation when shopping online. Amazon will donate 0.58 of eligible purchases to our Foundation

- Employer Matching Gift Programs

- Qualified Charitable Distributions (0CDs) are an option for retirees taking Required Minimum Distributions

- Honor someone by giving a donation

- Memorial Gifts are a way to remember someone special

* Checks may be made payable to:

VOFP Community Enhancement Foundation

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 457 Lewes. DE 19958

To help fund various projects, the Foundation will seek support from:

- Individuals

- Local businesses

- Grants

Other ways for individuals to become involved include:

- Joining like-minded people and supporting groups such as ours to preserve open spaces in our area

- Speaking out and attending local community workshops and meetings that have an impact upon the quality of life in Lewes

- Voting for leaders who embrace goals to preserve open space and enhance the environment

- Volunteering for various community activities such as:

- Beach Clean-Ups

- Bike Trail and Roadside Clean-Ups

- Fundraising Activities